A useful trick

Hi everyone,

Today i have something different for you. The trick i'm about to tell you about helps me clear my mind, and i hope it is useful to you as well. Here we go!

Now, close your eyes and imagine you are somewhere dark (like an empty room). Imagine you are standing by an edge (or in a corner). Imagine that opposite you is a bottomless, dark abyss (You can't fall in. remember that).

Pull all your thoughts into a ball. Invision it, roll it up with your hands. Imagine your ball of thoughts and invision it in a sealed box.

Imagine kicking the box into the abyss. Open your eyes. Your thoughts are gone, nothing but a faint whisper remains.

As long as you don't try to think those thoughts, they should only be a whisper at the back of your mind. A whisper you can barely hear. This trick might or might not work for you, but give it a try!

Stay safe,

Nia K


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