A handy guide to keeping a journal!

Keeping a journal is a great idea right now (and always). Writing down your thoughts and feeling can be very therapeutic and keeping a journal has been known to decrease stress. How should you start, you might ask? It's very simple, and here is how:

Step 1: Find a notebook.

This can be a simple composition book or anything you like! if you want, you can decorate your book, or you can leave it plain. There are plenty of cute ideas online!

Step 2: Get something to write with.

Now that you have a book, find something to write with. You can use pens, pencils, markers, whatever you want. However, I do recommend just using a simple ballpoint pen, because journals are meant for you, spelling mistakes are okay, and you don't need to think twice about what you write. Markers tend to bleed through the pages, and pencils fade over time.

Step 3: Write.

Whether you write every day, once a week, or just when you feel like it, remember to update your diary. Somedays, you might want to jot down a quick note, other days you might end up writing pages and pages. How much you write depends entirely on you!

You can also add pictures, drawings, receipts, pressed flowers, or anything else you'd like! Journals are great to look back at in a few years, or even months after you use up all the pages.

I hope this guide helps you start a journal, and I'd love to answer any questions you comment down below.

stay safe,

Nia K


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